The recent interest in the 11+ shown by people on this site gives an indication of just how interested we all are in how intelligent we are. Well, wouldn’t you like to know how thick you are? With Dr Stig’s Thickness Indicator you can. Simply answer the questions below, for every one the you answer positively give yourself a point; the more points you have the lower your intelligence level.
Remember it’s just for fun, but feel free to post your scores up. I score 3/10. (N.B. There is some scientific evidence to support three of these indicators, but in reality the rest are just personal prejudices.)
Alternatively, what do you think are the true measures of thickness?
1. Do you put your Christmas decorations up more than ten days before Christmas?
2. Do you think that jewellery looks better when it is big and chunky?
3. Do you go to bed before 12 o’clock at night?
4. Do you support a football team that is more than 20 miles away from the place where you were born, the place where you were brought up and the place where you currently live or do you support a football team whose ground you could not point to on a map?
5. Do you have tattoos that are nothing to do with your culture or have you developed a habit whereby your latest tattoo is never enough?
6. Do you smoke, drink or lead an otherwise poor lifestyle contrary to your doctor’s advice?
7. Have you ever voted for a politician because they look better than the opposition candidates or because you think they have a better personality?
8. Do you think that other people will be impressed by the type of car you drive ?
9. Do you feel a need to get an artificial tan or do you think you would be admired more by others of your body was just a bit more orange?
10. Do you visit a discussion forum on the internet several times a day, even though there is no pertinent news for the group or do you post up meaningless items just for the hell of it?
3 depends on my shift hence half
4 blame my dad
10 same as you
surprise surprise
Do I win a Burberry cap?
But surely Qu. 1 should include putting christmas decorations up outside your house?
However I'll award an extra half mark for the bedtime question also due to shift patterns.
Bed (to sleep presumably) before twelve ( on weekdays)- probably my age.
Visiting here
i wear thick and chunky junk jewellery.
why is going to bed before midnight thick? i dont get it? i go to bed at 10.30-11 during the week if im not out so it cant be just age Stanmore! ;-)
It's called Charlton ........
but only because my doctor hasn't advised me on my bad lifestyle and vice's
its not, its a stupid question
Ha ha, that's where you're wrong. This is one of the three where scientists have actually found a correlation. From what I remember the people that found it, did so by accident. It was a control question in a survey that was expected to have no link at all. However they actually found that people rated as intelligent tended to stay up later, whilst those thought to be less bright went to bed early. From what I remember they couldn’t explain why either.
Unfortunately I can’t remember the source of this – which is probably another indicator of stupidity.
4) Live more than 20miles away.