It's the thin end of the wedge I tell ye... winter break within three seasons.
After all, why should well paid entertainers bother to entertain us when we actually want entertaining? Let them do it at their convenience, and be grateful that they do it at all for the shed loads of money they get, most of the poor little darlings would much rather be earning 20 grand a year delivering letters, but are forced to work four hours a day four days a week in all weathers...
Spot on PBS, that's what the countries who have a winter break seem to do, and it still would not stop the big clubs moaning that our season is too hard.
maybe something to do with the calender perhaps.......?
Game on boxing day (26th) is a Friday, therefore I assume there is not a game the next day (Sat 27th) and so is there one a few days later, say mon 29th or tues 30th in the evening? - if so, makes sense not to have one on the 1st (thursday) with one bound to be on the Sat 3rd (FA Cup ?)
unless i have it all wrong.......wait & see monday.
[cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]maybe something to do with the calender perhaps.......?
Game on boxing day (26th) is a Friday, therefore I assume there is not a game the next day
(Sat 27th) and so is there one a few days later, say mon 29th or tues 30th in the evening? - if so, makes sense not to have one on the 1st (thursday) with one bound to be on the Sat 3rd (FA Cup ?)
unless i have it all wrong.......wait & see monday.
you have it exactly right Golfy,nothing sinister about it.
Am I right in thinking that several seasons back an agreement was made that there'd be no league football in England on a Thursday?
I think this was a consequence of Sky moving fixtures around and effectively elongating the football weekend by broadcasting matches from Friday through to Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday are the traditional nights for midweek games and therefore an agreement was made not to play games on a Thursday.
[cite]Posted By: Oggy Red[/cite]Although it did'nt stop Euefa cup matches being played on a Thursday and facking up the Saturday league fixtures, playing them on Sunday.
Yep, but that's because UEFA wanted to play the UEFA Cupa matches on a different night to the CL games.
[cite]Posted By: golfaddick[/cite]maybe something to do with the calender perhaps.......?
Game on boxing day (26th) is a Friday, therefore I assume there is not a game the next day
(Sat 27th) and so is there one a few days later, say mon 29th or tues 30th in the evening? - if so, makes sense not to have one on the 1st (thursday) with one bound to be on the Sat 3rd (FA Cup ?)
unless i have it all wrong.......wait & see monday.
you have it exactly right Golfy,nothing sinister about it.
Oh yes there is. Everything is a conspiracy. All change is bad. FACT
[cite]Posted By: AFKABartram[/cite]Golfie was 100% on the reason why by the way, but its always good to see a 'players are overpaid w***ers rant though !
Cheers AFKA.
I actually see no reason why they can't play on the 26th/27th, the 30th and the 1st and 3rd, if everyone has to play, then theres no advantage, and the rest of us (well not me, for obvious reasons) can have a feast of footy while we enjoy the Christmas break.
Most people work 40 hours plus a week, and we are asking them to work for six hours over nine days...
getting home at 8am, sleep, wake up feeling like shit only to see Lisbie put two past you.
1. Great can party longer and get even more drunk
2. Helped me control the amount of booze comsumed meaning no headache
After all, why should well paid entertainers bother to entertain us when we actually want entertaining? Let them do it at their convenience, and be grateful that they do it at all for the shed loads of money they get, most of the poor little darlings would much rather be earning 20 grand a year delivering letters, but are forced to work four hours a day four days a week in all weathers...
for players to 'rest' ?
more likely for clubs to go on tour around the world to fulfill sponsors obligations or attract new sponsors and enhance their worldwide profile.
Game on boxing day (26th) is a Friday, therefore I assume there is not a game the next day
(Sat 27th) and so is there one a few days later, say mon 29th or tues 30th in the evening? - if so, makes sense not to have one on the 1st (thursday) with one bound to be on the Sat 3rd (FA Cup ?)
unless i have it all wrong.......wait & see monday.
you have it exactly right Golfy,nothing sinister about it.
I think this was a consequence of Sky moving fixtures around and effectively elongating the football weekend by broadcasting matches from Friday through to Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday are the traditional nights for midweek games and therefore an agreement was made not to play games on a Thursday.
Yep, but that's because UEFA wanted to play the UEFA Cupa matches on a different night to the CL games.
Oh yes there is. Everything is a conspiracy. All change is bad. FACT
Maybe, I just remember that rule being brought in, whether it still applies or not I don't know.
All life is change, Henry. Nothing stands still, apart from Andy Gray with his hands on his hips
BTW, the Titanic's sunk. Huh !! Get your mates to sink your thread next time. I dunno what is the world coming too.
Cheers AFKA.
I actually see no reason why they can't play on the 26th/27th, the 30th and the 1st and 3rd, if everyone has to play, then theres no advantage, and the rest of us (well not me, for obvious reasons) can have a feast of footy while we enjoy the Christmas break.
Most people work 40 hours plus a week, and we are asking them to work for six hours over nine days...