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Bad taste in the mouth

edited November 2006 in General Charlton
I have to say I'm not impressed with the way our club has handled this sacking, what is wrong with saying something on the lines of "we have decided it is in the interests of CAFC that we part ways with Iain Dowie, we wish him well" and no more. I also think the retort to Simon Jordan was unnecessary. Why stoop to this moron's level? Hardly very professional, and not the Charlton way in my view.

Admittedly it is a difficult situation but surely all these hints and read between the lines malarky are counter productive. Rather than such statements answering the inevitable questions they have actually served to muddy the water further and actually ask more questions than they answered. Either say very little or tell the whole story.

I think with all the money that is now involved in the game and our club, promoting this cut throat type behaviour, the friendly club reputation we have is in danger of becoming merely that, and having little actual substance.


  • I agree. I don't think that the club has covered itself in any glory with the way it has dealt with this matter and as you say, has done nothing but fuel the fire with it's, in my opinion, ill judged statements.
  • edited November 2006
    I agree and in an ideal world we would have been able to do it differently, unfortunately football is now a business rather than what we all grew up with. A sport that we loved cos we could relate to the players. Now they're verging on film star status

    Playing devils advocate for a sec would saying less not have meant people making more assumptions?
  • Has Dowie said anything?

    You can always say no comment anyway.
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