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Fans Forum - a bad idea

edited November 2006 in General Charlton
to continue with it in my opinion. Varney has quoted that "Les has to lift the players and will be very busy in the next few days" so why add to that with the fans forum. Let's not forget that a number of players will return Thursday morning to a new manager. Ok, he was coach before but he wasn't head honcho and didn't make the final decisions. For all we know El Kak and Diawara may return from intl duty with injuries and Reed has to consider whether to move HH inside, bring in Fortune or Sankofa, or both, Youga or Ashton at left back. Does he really need a fans forum to contend with. I think not.
Surely we hould be doing all we can to relieve the pressure on the guy not add to it. Just trying to play Devils Afvocate here but it is my opinion that a cancellation would have been a better idea or replace Reed and Robson with Murray and Varney. ( BTW, how many players are actually around to sign this petition. )


  • i actually agree with everything you say there, he has enough on his plate. The club has stressed that saturday means everything, so they haven't time to discuss contracts, yet he'll have to take 4-5hrs out his day two games before his first match.

    It should be postponed like you say, or the speakers changed. And that's a cracking point re. petition.
  • That makes me feel better about 'the petition' .............
  • Agreed, the last thing Reed needs to to face a load of miseries on Thursday night, when at the very least he should be putting his feet up so he's refreshed for Friday and Saturday. Seems an odd decision to keep with it, but maybe Henry charges huge cancellation fees for his services!
  • edited November 2006
    [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Agreed, the last thing Reed needs to to face a load of miseries on Thursday night, when at the very least he should be putting his feet up so he's refreshed for Friday and Saturday. Seems an odd decision to keep with it, but maybe Henry charges huge cancellation fees for his services!

    thanks for the great plug. good last line. i had a quick chat with JH yesterday and he gave a nervous laugh when i said it could be a bit of a lively meeting. glad to see lennie being quoted in the papers yesterday!
  • Maybe but if it had been cancelled then some people would be saying "He's afraid, can't handle the pressure, the club are not allowing us to hear what's going on, sending out the wrong message, panic stations, so he can't spare 3 hours to tell the fans about his plans, blah, blah, blah"

    Large/AFKA/Inspector, you've heard Reed talk, you know he can handle himself. Just have to wait and see how it pans out but he and the high-ups did review the situation and decided to go ahead.

    And yes my cancellation fees are huge. 100% at this short notice.
  • [cite]Posted By: Henry Irving[/cite]
    And yes my cancellation fees are huge. 100% at this short notice.

    Don't forget though Henry that 100% of £0 is still £0.
  • fair play, i can fully understand after organising wanting it to go ahead, and the slight negative image that might be perceived if it was cancelled.

    However, I just don't think anyone would of had negative views if it was thought best that instead of it being the mangerial team facing questions, it was the chairman, chief exec or Andrew Mills.

    I think they would be much better placed to answer the questions that people really want to ask. As a result, i think (though i know he will handle himself fantastically), i think it puts Les in a bit of a position he could really do without two days before the game. Am i right in suspecting the majority of the questions will be pre-known and prepared ?
  • But do I get tax relief on that?
  • Henry, okay they reviewed it, as they seem to do everything at the moment, and decided to still go ahead. No problem then from me if they have seriously considered the situation. Still feel he could do without it at the moment and I'm sure most normal fans would realise he's got a lot on his plate at the moment. Yes I've heard him and he'll be able to handle himself but I'm sure a lot of fans will be surprised at home considered and deliberate he is with everything he says. You can practically see the cogs going round. With regard to this I'm concerned as to whether he'll be able to motivate the players as he doesn't seem the demonstrative type. We'll see. Hope it goes well though.
  • Lennie was in the papers? I missed that, will have to hunt it down.

    I take your point, Henry, and I'm sure Reed can manage it, but I'd still be happier if he had the night off!
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  • quoted in "the london paper" last night
  • Large, how about he's good at tayloring his approach to the audience he's with? You don't have to come across as a screamer and a shouter
  • It's a judgement call which thankfully I didn't have to make. I'm sure if Les had said "I don't want to do it" then it would have been cancelled and I would have been happy to go along with that.

    I think SOME people would have put a negative slant on it just because SOME people always do. I had an e-mail today saying that Varney was incompetent and an embarrassment on the telly and should be sacked. Reed knows nothing and will be a disaster that Richard Murrey's Chairmanship will never recover from. Oh and Diawara is rubbish cos he wears gloves. That's the guy's view and he's entitled to it but you've said often enough AFKA that we have our fair share of moaners at Charlton.

    On the questions people have been asked to send in questions if they want to and I normally prepare a list of topics to fill in any gaps but I'm expecting it to be an open floor as normal. Obviously there are going to be things that aren't going to be talked about or at least not in depth but that will be the same as at City Addicks with David or if Murrey or Varney or Mills had been up there.
  • Can you ask him if we're going to get any decent lagers in at the Covered End
  • [cite]Posted By: InspectorSands[/cite]Lennie was in the papers? I missed that, will have to hunt it down.

    I take your point, Henry, and I'm sure Reed can manage it, but I'd still be happier if he had the night off!

    just a small bit.

  • No such thing as a decent lager. Drink proper beer.
  • What , like John Smiths ? No thanks
  • Oh, cheers, Curb_It.

    I do worry about some of these people in Henry's inbox...
  • As Henry says cancelling/postponing it would raise more questions than it would answer.

    I think going ahead with it is good, I reckon Murray and Varney are being bombarded with e-mails and letters and maybe this is a good opportunity to speak to the fans and chew this over and re-assure us. Given the change of manager, the rumours about team unrest and petitions I think a clear the air meeting with the fans would be a good start to settling things down. As it happens the timing is good.
  • Should deffo have cancelled it to let things die down, the club comes first and I think most people would accept that, bad decision in my view but there you are.
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  • that's ok as long as what is said is transmitted to the fans in general.
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