Cheers Lookie, the East Terrance looks so shabby when its empty. This must have been shortly after they opened the Jimmy Seed. My memory is failing me but I thought it had seats from the start. Did they remove them or was it just a covered terrace before they decided to put the seats in. I'm sure somebody with a better memory than me can put me right.
Don't mind admiting that choked me up a little bit. I would have been 11 when that was taken and could clearly see the seats that me and my grandad used to sit in right behind the dugout. He's long gone now of course but every time I go to The Valley I think back to the happy hours I spent there with him - normally moaning about Les Berry or the like. Gawd knows what he'd think of todays ground but I do know EXACTLY what he'd think of most of our team these days.
ah nothing like going home
never got to see a game there before we left, but bunked in a few times to see the stands etc!
Think i have seen it though memories flood back
When did the old gabled roof get changed on the West Stand?
If I'd seen that without a date, I'd have put it later than 79.
You and me both!