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STREWTH - all this Les Reed talk I didn't realise he'd

edited November 2006 in General Charlton
actually been promoted to the top job on a permanent basis with Robson stepping up as his assistant. Thought it was a temporary measure whilst a new man was sought but looks like it's not the case.


  • Ahh, this is what i have been waiting for too large, was about to post it up and ask someone who is concentrating! I am busy here at work, and cant put 100% to the cafc manager debate!

    So he is permanent then??
  • Eh? Where does it say that?
  • all over the shop on newsnow, take your pick of stories.
  • the statement says he's been appointed head coach (Dowie's job). Doesn't say anything about it being temporary.
  • Does it say its a perm appointment though? Never trust the media!
  • SSN are saying "Les Reed takes over for the moment"
  • The statement say's he's been "appointed head coach" - the "news" sites/stations are carrying on with the speculation cos the've got web pages/air-time to fill.
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