its bums on seats you need to worry up the south stand to charlton fans, sell the s/tickets at the £290, less if you can manage it, fill the two ends, cut the price of the east stand and try and fill it and make the only west stand the only stand available on a match by match basis and raise the match ticket price to £30/£40 depending on who the oppo is...let the away fans have part of the west stand, its going to be half empty next season anyway and charge them the same match day price of £30/£40...sorted
That is the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard. How do you expect to attract new supporters charging £30-£40 for a ticket?
If only the board and targt 40K committee has thought of that and built it into the new pricing structure. Oh well! ; -)
day out in big city, £20 for one of the best grounds in the division, whole stand behind the goal which happens to have the best acoustics, the best pub closest to the ground dedicated to them, easy access to the away end...
no wonder the likes of Ipswich, Soton, Naarwich fill it
in fact I think I might do a few games in the Jimmy Seed
we should definitely charge them £25 at least next season
Charging the away fans more has got to be a good thing. Still brings in revenue and may even reduce the numbers that the opposition bring in. Having the away fans behind the goal at the Jimmy Seed (JS) end is, and has always, given the away team an advantage....especially when they attack that end. I know we can't change this round due to the complications of segregation, planning permission etc and so we can't move the away fans to the West or any other part of the ground. Therefore if we are stuck with things as they are, until the East is developed and the SE and SW corners are done, we may as well try and get top dollar for the seats we can sell, whilst hopefully reducing some of the awy support that, form my undertanding, has damaged our teams confidence.
I know that this is not because our home support is bad, (which the stripeys keep suggesting is sh*te if you believe some other forums on the WWW), just that the ecoustics in the JS stand are sooooo good. Fewer people in that end, combined with more noise from the East and West would help. Just a thought! :-)
i know people who sit in those seats dont want to lose their seat is an issue, but its just an idea.
Jimmy Seed plans on hold
ok, sorry its not the south stand, its the open end...
It's not the away fans that have damaged our team's confidence ....... ;o)
the trouble is, the away stand's accoustics seem to mean that just 100 fans in that stand are louder than the upper north...pardew's right, put home fans in that stand...if that tactic had brought us the edge in only two home games we'd still been in with a shout of going up this season...
I like to think I know a bit about this, so Henry a proper explaination please, as I do think having the 'Jimmy Seed' as a home stand would be beneficial.
I'm of the opinion that it's in the 'too difficult' tray.............please prove me wrong!
Part of the problem is the comparitively poxy facilities in the Jimmy Seed area compared to the rest of the ground as well as all the segregation stuff. West Standers would not take kindly to inferior facilities for their money i imagine and they'd have a point...
it isn't ideal to have home fans over the top of away fans, this could cause multiple problems. I know other grounds don't take this into account, but i've been spat on at chelsea before by home fans above me and also had villa home fans in boxes giving abuse as they sit right behind the away fans.
if we then chose to put half in the lower west and half in the upper west that would also possibly affect the same loo issue in the concourse of the upper and lower west.
I'm not too sure about the layout of the concourse for the east, but it'd be safe to say they'd take up half of the ground, and therefore could pose a worse impact on the team, to be playing up against them for the whole team. the best thing to do would be to wait, develop the jimmy seed and then stick them in the corner far from the pitch (a la st james' park on a smaller scale) and be done with it. oh, and don't give them a room.
I believe they are putting a further refreshment kiosk in the south stand as I saw planning permission notice on a lamppost and I'm sure if home fans sat in the jimmy seed they'd realise that they were better off in the east/west north stands because of the facilities.
also with the pricing structures introduced, wouldn't this have an effect on how fans are seated? home or away and therefore cause a loss in revenue?
Article on the blog about this.
Just pulling your leg, NLA .........