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Player unrest

edited November 2006 in General Charlton
all this talk of player unrest gets my goat up. They are paid well enough to just get on with it. Some players will never get on with the manager or each other but that happens in all jobs up and down the country. They are paid to play football irrespective of whether they like the boss or not. Perhaps it's time for them to do just that and actually earn their inflated wages. At the end of the day Dowie's sacking is down to them so I hope they are pleased with themselves. The new boss may not like them either, or consider them not good enough, so what will they do then. The new guy can't do anything with the squad till Jan and even then how much will he have to spend. Ironically in my opinion we have a squad more than capable of a top ten finish so wouldn't it be nice for the players to pull their fingers out and prove it. As to a successer, I hope the Board sense the almost unanimous dislike of Hoddle. If he's appointed I will be severely peed off.


  • if one player has unrest then it can be dealt with.

    If it's a squad of 15 players plus who are unhappy then there is something fundamentally wrong
  • Well said LA, couldn't agree more.
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