To the theme tune of TV's Big Break hosted by J Davidson:
You're only on loan son,
But put up a real good fight,
Don't do a Marcus Bent tonight!
You're famed for your aim, so you'd better believe I'm right.
Don't do a Marcus Bent, A Marcus Bent tonight!
(you're right though Sco - these songs don't take off. Liverpool fans are the best at chants i think. The Ba Ba Rumba tune for Rafa Benitez is not only good but relevant with the Spanish theme)
"He's two L's of a player, two L's of a plaaayyyerrr"
Lerey's from the Congo
la la la la
la la la la
(to the tune of "let's all do conga"
Leroy, Leroy Lita
Everyone sing his name
Leroy, Leroy Lita
Scores in ev-e-ry game
(to the tune of Rupert the Bear)
Give me a eyeeeee (eyeeeee)
Give me a teaaaaa (teeeaaaaaaaa)
Give me a aaaaaaaaa (aaaaaaaa)
What have you got?
Lita (clap clap clap) Lita (clap clap clap)
"He won't be affected by metrification, affected by metrificaaaaation"
(V poor I know)
His name is Leroy Lita
He ain't a Coppell fan
But that's to be expected
He was a Palace Man
His name is Leroy Lita
He's gonna score some goals
And when the ball hits the net
This is what we'll sing ...
There's only 1 Leroy Lita
1 Leroy Lita
Walking along, singing this song
Walking in a Lita wonderland
Unfortunately as it is more than 4 syllables the "loud" people near the drum wont understand
you just know the only song sung for lita will be the repeating of 'lita, lita, lita' ala the weaver, youga and riedy (when he was here) chants.
How about big bad Leroy Lita
LOL! One Leroy of water, please?
Let's hope we get all 3 pints against Preston, tomorrow.
can't see class, his eyes are full of sh*t,
reading f*cked to charltons benefit,
we've got leroy lita.
leroy lita
ole ole ole
We've got Leroy Lita
He's on loan from Reading
And if he sees a Palace fan he'll kick his f8cking head in
He scores goals with his left
He scores goals with his right
And when he plays in red and white he'll score all f8cking night
Oh Leroy Lita, leroy leroy lita, leroy leroy lita, leroy leroy lita ohhhh
You're only on loan son,
But put up a real good fight,
Don't do a Marcus Bent tonight!
You're famed for your aim, so you'd better believe I'm right.
Don't do a Marcus Bent, A Marcus Bent tonight!
(Original sung by Captain Sensible apparently)
(you're right though Sco - these songs don't take off. Liverpool fans are the best at chants i think. The Ba Ba Rumba tune for Rafa Benitez is not only good but relevant with the Spanish theme)
'Lita got El Karkouri'
Just as well Talal's gone, eh?