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Ten and a half things you never knew about Preston

1. Preston is now for administrative purposes in Yorkshire although the locals refuse to accept this and will often stone and set fire to Yorkshire council vans and dust carts.

2. Having won the double in first season of the football league Preston do not need ever change their colours when there is a clash but have waved this privalige to sell more replica shirts

3. Preston are called North End after a poem by Percy Byshe Shelley who once visited the town.
It reads

"in Preston, the North does now End
before the wastes of Bruce's land begin"

4. Preston were robbed of a league Championship in 1954 when there star play Tom Finney was taken off at half time to fix a blockage in the directors toilets. There was a large floater causing a flood and Finney, a qualified plumber, was told to deal with it. With no subs PNE played with 10 men and gave up a 2 - 0 lead to Wolves who pipped Preston to the league on goal average that season.


  • 5.Mark Lawrenson is their number 1 fan.
  • 6. He's split up from that bird from big brother
  • 7. When playing at Deepdale, Preston play at both ends of the pitch - but not usually at the same time.

    As a result, they now call themselves Preston Both Ends.
  • 8. Previous Managers include Bobby Charlton

    9. They only retained their Football League status in 1986, having finished 2nd from bottom on Div4, due to a vote by the Football League.
  • 10.They used to have a plastic pitch.
  • Preston was originally named Preston Cum Hardy ... but dropped the Hardy in 1903 after the death of Stan Laurel.
  • edited March 2008
    11. Back in the the early 1900s Benjamin Hayesbottom, a director, was extremely irate at the club being referred to as Preston North End rather than Preston Jimmy Seed. Unfortunately for Mr Hayesbottom the name North End has prevailed until the present day.
  • "Preston was originally named Preston Cum Hardy ... but dropped the Hardy in 1903 after the death of Stan Laurel."

    And dropped the Cum when Mary Millington died
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: DaveMehmet[/cite]"Preston was originally named Preston Cum Hardy ... but dropped the Hardy in 1903 after the death of Stan Laurel."

    And dropped the Cum when Mary Millington died[/quote]

    Mary Millington - now thats showing your age. Hope the kids on here dont try and google her at school haha.
  • due to a strange geological phenomenon a small area of the earth has had to be structurally reinforced. Huge stones were piled up around the area in the 1600's to prevent it from coming completely detached from the planet. since this time the area has been known as Preston, or pressed on. The huge stones can no longer be seen after they were replaced with steel reinforced concrete piles in the interwar years. The stones themselves were later used to form fortifications to the kent coast in the lead up to the second world war.
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  • edited March 2008
    Howard Kendall became the youngest player to play in an FA Cup final when selected for Preston in 1964.

    He found further fame when concerned rescuers found him contendedly sitting on a rock in the middle of nowhere in the Lake District eating some of his mother's home made sweets.

    These became known as Kendal Mintcake.
  • The producer of Big Brother is the no 1 Preston fan, it is well known that Prestons most famous chant is ''ell, ell" whenever they are winning. In a bid to up the clubs profile he paid a couple to get together on the show, get married and become c list celebs, he also insisted on changing their names to Preston and Chantelle therefore pushing the profile of the famous chant on an unsuspecting public. BTW their real names are Bernard and Moira.

    Its Ok dont thank me!
  • [cite]Posted By: kigelia[/cite]due to a strange geological phenomenon a small area of the earth has had to be structurally reinforced. Huge stones were piled up around the area in the 1600's to prevent it from coming completely detached from the planet. since this time the area has been known as Preston, or pressed on. The huge stones can no longer be seen after they were replaced with steel reinforced concrete piles in the interwar years. The stones themselves were later used to form fortifications to the kent coast in the lead up to the second world war.

    PMSL....Quality, hats off
  • edited August 2008
    They used to be call Preston Bell End due to the the nearby bell factory (now a football museum) so that the locals could distinguish it from now deceased Preston Station End. Tom Finley had the idea to re-name the teams North and South End.
  • Didn't Mr.Beckham play for them ?
  • [cite]Posted By: miserableold-ish git[/cite]Didn't Mr.Beckham play for them ?

    On loan as a youngster yes
  • During redevelopment of Deepdale in the early 90's, plans for the fans to get heavily involved, inspired by our very own weeding of The Valley, had to be promptly abandoned when a well-meaning season-ticket holder spilt a huge vat of paint in one of the stands. Short of funds with which to gloss over the unsightly mess, the directors smeared it around a bit with j-cloths until it looked vaguely like a human face, and proclaimed it The Tom Finney Stand. Not the most fitting of tributes to a man whose only crime was to share his name with the little sh*t who finished Tutty's career.
  • 17. Following 'PNE-Online' asking 'how has your season gone', Preston fans are now ranked on the Charlton Life-ometer as the most stupidiest fans in the land*

    *Note. Millwall fans not included.
  • 18. Preston has suffered a huge decline in their local industry after a machine was developed in China to put holes in doughnuts
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  • 19.The parents of legendary American outlaw Butch Cassidy lived in Victoria Road in Preston and emigrated to escape religious persecution of their Mormon faith. It was said that, unlike Paul Newman's cinematic portrayal, Butch spoke with a thick Lancashire accent
  • 20. One for AFKA : Kenny Baker the actor who played R2D2 in the Star Wars films, also lives in the city. ;-)
  • 21. Preston is home to Europe's biggest bus station. FACT.
  • 22. The first Kentucky Fried Chicken shop in the UK was opened in Preston in 1965.
  • edited March 2009
    23. Britney Spears son Sean has a middle name of Preston. Why I don't know.
  • 23. Was original site of the film Kes as it had to be "real Northern". Was moved to Manchester after locals ate the film crew---------------FACT.
  • edited March 2009
    24. Following a sudden outbreak of homosexuality in 1881, all sufferers were seperated from the 'pure' and held in secure grounds one mile north of the town. As a break from sewing mailbags, the inmates were given a football for their leisure time. Their regular kickaround developed into an organised team, and Preston North End was formed.

    However, despite being original Football Team champions, the people of Preston shunned the club until 1894, when the first non-homosexual featured in their side. Club rules have since been relaxed, but Preston must always ensure there are two homosexual players within the field of play at any one time.
  • 25. Re 24 is the reason that Julian Cleary was given the key to the city of Preston two years ago.
  • 26. Graham Norton had a trial for PNE but while he was good at the back he spent to much time going down on the wing.
  • edited March 2009
    [cite]Posted By: LargeAddick[/cite]23. Britney Spears son Sean has a middle name of Preston. Why I don't know.

    Britney Spear's son was conceived in Preston. Just as the Beckham's mistakenly thought Brooklyn was a trendy upmarket area of New Yoik, Spears thought that Preson was the fashion centre of Blackpool. In fact Preston was once called Preston Sturges famous for giving people naughty urges. Our Britney it seems, circumed to these in a night of passion behind the bus station.
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