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Are all us Addicks anoraks about our club? I know I am

edited February 2008 in General Charlton
Just saw the thread about the 1987 youth cup final team and the name Mark Tivey made me smile (he was supposedly our wonder winger of the era I believe)

I remember even then - when I was 10 or 11 years old, I was consumed with all things Charlton. I read every report I could find...i would hype up our younger players. At school me and a mate used to write down the squad names and work out their values in comparison to other clubs in our division (sad..I know)

I read everything I can find about Charlton....every website. I constantly big them up to my work colleages (in a completely biased way) to the point that all of my colleagues now know a bit about Charlton and even look out for our results (and take the piss when we lose)

I have single handedly converted at least 5 people to become full time Addicks

But when I look around I just see a bunch of people who "support" Chelski / Man U / Arsenal / Liverpool and yet never talk about their team like I do. They hardly know who they are playing that week.

Am I the only one who is like this? or am I in good company.


    edited February 2008
    I'm like that now Swisdom regarding reading everything and i'm sure a lot of other people are mainly due to t'internet.

    Back in 1987 though there were no forums like this, no club websites etc and i can imagine the only outlets for information would be the programme, local press now and again and possibly fanzines.

    How times have changed.
  • Can assure you, you are in very good company.

    Have you got to the stage where people associate Charlton with 'you'. Not even 'your team' had a good result at the weekend, but 'you' had a good result at the weekend.

    That people feel there is not a single other subject they can talk to you about other than Charlton and football ?
  • i'm with you swisdom , i used to cut out the match action colour pictures from the 'today' newspaper in the eighties and stick them on my wall and would get a bit over excited if there was an article charlton related in the match or shoot magazines...
    as a youngster would have my head glued to the radio listening out for peter'scoop' burrowes reports for LBC from charlton games... anyone else remember the embarassing capital gold/LBC adverts trying to get people to come down to the valley 'where dinosaurs used to roam' but now 'the welsh wizard performs' (carl harris)
  • I am with you Swisdom, my nickname at work is Charlton, I love to read all the articles that the press and new media has to offer, can't get enough.

    The worst thing about all of it is that defeaty really stings me, winds me up so much, you would have thought after 20 years of going I would have got used to it.
  • If everybody supported their local club then football would be more entertaining and interesting.
  • edited February 2008
    I think I saw Mark Tiveys only first team appearance , at Millwall 1992.Not an anorak though ;-).
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]Can assure you, you are in very good company.

    Have you got to the stage where people associate Charlton with 'you'. Not even 'your team' had a good result at the weekend, but 'you' had a good result at the weekend.

    That people feel there is not a single other subject they can talk to you about other than Charlton and football ?

    Spot on AFKA. I remember an old CEO of mine who was mightly surprised that I knew about quite a lot on a few other subjects other than football/Charlton - he'd always limit his conversations with me about where had I been or where was I going to next.

    I was sad enough however to paint a beard on my subutteo Charlton No. 8
  • Sounds like you should all be entering the Charlton Quiz this Thursday at Bromley :)

    "coz if you know yer history"
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]Can assure you, you are in very good company.

    Have you got to the stage where people associate Charlton with 'you'. Not even 'your team' had a good result at the weekend, but 'you' had a good result at the weekend.

    That people feel there is not a single other subject they can talk to you about other than Charlton and football ?

    In my last job pretty much everyone else I worked with was based in LA but they still used to make 'how did you guys go at the weekend?' one of their first greetings to me.

    Was once patched into a conference call with the CFO of a major Hollywood studio at about 6.30 in the evening (not at all unusual when the people you work with are 8 hours behind) - at about 7 I interrupted and told them I was going to have to leave the call as Charlton had a really big game that night - the people in the same room as me in London looked disgusted but the CFO apologised and said she would have rescheduled had she known, wished the Addicks luck and called me especially the next day to find out how they got on!
  • Here's a true test then - anyone know what this number was? I got into a spot of bother with my Dad as this number occasionally appeared on our phone bills

    0898 12 11 46
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Here's a true test then - anyone know what this number was? I got into a spot of bother with my Dad as this number occasionally appeared on our phone bills

    0898 12 11 46

    Extreme adult babes
  • I'm the same, no matter how good a day or week I've had, or no matter how good the weather is, or how good a weekend I'm having if Charlton lose it puts me on a downer, just as a Charlton win has rescued a few otherwise dire weekend/weeks.

    Several years ago when we played and beat Arsenal (I think that was a 1-0 around Boxing Day/New Year) I was travelling through Germany back home, I got delayed and then had to change trains at Dusseldorf and literally had seconds between trains - I had no idea how the match ended so at the station I rushed to the newsagent grabbed the first English paper i could find, looked at the table, saw we were three points ahead of where we'd been the previous day, which told me all I needed to know, and then off I ran to get my connection.
  • Club call got me a official warning at Nat West when the company bill came through.I had to give them a cheque for £40.00. and the warning stayed on my file for 3 years.I played against Mark Tivey when he played for Kingfisher along with Gordon Watson,it was literally the youth team.I had to mark him,it wasn't much fun.
  • I marked Gordon Watson in a schools match, probably around 13 years old.I dont remember him scoring though.I reckon I had him in my back pocket ;-)

    Still lost 7-1 though.

    Some lad on Arsenals books tore us to shreds, Jamie Donnelly (?).
  • yep westwood school hammered us as well.Jamie played for England schoolboys at Wembley I went to see the match,funnily enough i think in got a bad injury and never made it.
  • [cite]Posted By: Swisdom[/cite]Here's a true test then - anyone know what this number was? I got into a spot of bother with my Dad as this number occasionally appeared on our phone bills

    0898 12 11 46

    A friend of mine (RIP Billy) once came home from a boozy Friday night out at the Eltham Hill Social Club. Now, Bill had a telephone in his toilet and as he sat down to do his jobs he thought he'd give Clubcall a quick ring to see there'd been any developments down at CAFC in the time that he'd left for his night out to the time that he'd got back, which was about 4 hours. The only thing is, Billy didn't put the phone back on the receiver properly and the call lasted aproximately 8 hours. He never did tell me how much it cost him but I reckon it would have been in the region of £200.
  • Wasnt it something like 38 pence per minute for clubcall?
  • without looking it up do you know the FULL postcode of The Valley?
  • Se7 8**

    Can't remember the rest.
  • Sponsored links:

  • Almost there
  • OK, times up....

    SE7 8BL
  • [cite]Posted By: SE10Addick[/cite]Wasnt it something like 38 pence per minute for clubcall?

    There's an idea. £.38 a minute to log into Charlton Life. What you all think?
    edited February 2008
    What was the number though? (Memo to Dave - READ THE WHOLE BLOODY POST FIRST!)

    I to got an official warning for ringing Clubcall, it was back in the days when we had phones with dials (Not that long ago) and I thought that they couldn't trace those calls.

    Bloody Mark Mansfield!!!
  • edited February 2008
    At work in the 80's, I used to sneak upstairs to the switchboard (big old wooden beast with plugs on cables) in it's own room and chat up the girlie operator.

    After a while, she let me phone Club call every morning. Some days I'd listen to it twice. LOL

    I used to enter the competitions and once I even won 2 tickets to see the Easter Charlton v Watford game (top flight) at Selhurst.

    Only problem - I was playing in France on a football trip that Easter weekend.
    Gave the tickets away to mates.

    I've won bugger all since!
  • My wife got very angry over the clubcall costs. Now she gets angry over the time spent "on the bloody computer about bloody Charlton"

    I met one of my mates for breakfast the other day, we had been chatting for about three-quarters of an hour, when he said to me in a somewhat p*ssed off voice, " is there any subject that you want to talk about that you does not involve Charlton".
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