its hidious whose stupid idea was that and it drowned out the singing from the covered end. Pards sort it !!!! Also can we have the Squeeze down at the valley song played pre match still go that and I thought it was quite good lol
For gawd's sakes, do you have to have a feckin moan about everything!!!
It's too loud, it's too quiet; terrible support, great support but couldn't we have sold out earlier; sold out in ten minutes, would have taken so and so only six, on and on and on.
I have no doubt that you are the kind of person who, if you had your way, would run the club into the ground in no time. Yet, you think you know best about every little detail of what goes on at The Valley. I know it's about opinions, but get a grip. Not everybody is gonna like every decision that is made, or every piece of music played before the match. Don't like it fine. But do you don't seem to like anything???????
[cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Erm - It was Zadok the Priest by George Handel (NOTthe Champions League Music) andPardsspecifically requested that we play it and play it LOUD!
I think Zadok the priest is a great "hymn", but we have enough pre match rousing music already, stick to RRR and LOTR and let the fans do the rest. What it does imply is that Pards was not trusting us to make a noise, which was naive.
[cite]Posted By: BDL[/cite]Erm - It was Zadok the Priest by George Handel (NOTthe Champions League Music) andPardsspecifically requested that we play it and play it LOUD!
I'd be interested to know if Pards asked for Zadok the priest or the Champions league music though! ;-)
Skids - Into the Valley:
That's exactly the response I'd expect from you Nolly.
I love a bit of Handel!
So no to the Cahmpions League Theme before the game.
It's too loud, it's too quiet; terrible support, great support but couldn't we have sold out earlier; sold out in ten minutes, would have taken so and so only six, on and on and on.
I have no doubt that you are the kind of person who, if you had your way, would run the club into the ground in no time. Yet, you think you know best about every little detail of what goes on at The Valley. I know it's about opinions, but get a grip. Not everybody is gonna like every decision that is made, or every piece of music played before the match. Don't like it fine. But do you don't seem to like anything???????
And what the feck does that mean? Speak English.
I think Zadok the priest is a great "hymn", but we have enough pre match rousing music already, stick to RRR and LOTR and let the fans do the rest. What it does imply is that Pards was not trusting us to make a noise, which was naive.
I'd be interested to know if Pards asked for Zadok the priest or the Champions league music though! ;-)
What about some Shabba for AFKA?