who was at the game when we played the nigels think it was the first time they came up with Wright Bright and all the other mob, we were the "home" team, the YES leflets in which the whole of the Arther Waite held up at the start of the game......
I was at this game, cannot remember the Yes leaflets though, although the Sainsbury's end was hardly where charlton's ultras congregated. Palace murdered us first half. We missed a pen & walsh scored a free kick but we lost 1-2 not a good day.
I remember the yes leaflets, but cant remember what the yes related to....and I was at the Palace game....dint we have to give up the Sainsbury end?.... but couldnt say if the yes and the game coincided...must be me age....
Dont recall any leaflets for this one.Remembering there being a scuffle or 2 in the Terry Waite beforehand.Mark Reid missed the pen after the great Kenny Achampong fell over, I mean hacked down.
[quote][cite]Posted By: Tel-in-Oz[/cite]I remember the yes leaflets, but cant remember what the yes related to....and I was at the Palace game....dint we have to give up the Sainsbury end?.... but couldnt say if the yes and the game coincided...must be me age....[/quote]
It related to Greenwich council saying Yes to our return to The Valley.
Haven't thought about that game for donkey's years - but as soon as somebody brings it up, there it all is inside my head in glorious technicolour .........
We still lost ....2-1, I think. Can't remember who scored, Mark reid penalty perhaps or did he miss it?
....and it pissed down.
It related to Greenwich council saying Yes to our return to The Valley.
Didn't Reid hit the post with the pen. I've got some strange video replay going on in my head, now.....
Cant remember what I did last week but can remember useless info like that ;-).
Haven't thought about that game for donkey's years - but as soon as somebody brings it up, there it all is inside my head in glorious technicolour .........