Stu, that block user isn't actually what you said it is, it blocks the use of "code" (image display etc) for that user or that comment. Useful if some idiot posts pics not suitable for work, or uses coloured, scrolling text which is annoying on a regular basis. Admittedly, not much use here as most Lifers can't do a link properly! ;-)
Our friend here is posting from China, as far as I can tell, though I am sure with their population they have their fair share of wind up merchants.
can i filter users as well as categories in my account?
Yes, look to the right of his post, by the quote button there is a block user button.
Our friend here is posting from China, as far as I can tell, though I am sure with their population they have their fair share of wind up merchants.
I think he has to be a wind up merchant.....................but that song did make me laugh!
If you have ever eaten a doner kebab, or been to an all you can eat Chinese establishment you more than likely already know!!
As regards doner kebabs you have probably tasted human flesh eating them at some point ross
I know the one about the labrador (why hasn't that taken off more?) but what are the words to the dvd song??
Zheng Zhi wherever you may be,
You sell dodgy DVDs,
But it could be worse,
You could be 'wall,
Selling crack at primary school.
Zheng Zhi wherever you may be,
You sell dodgy DVDs,
But it could be worse,
You could be millwall,
Selling crack at primary school.
teek a boooooo paul bacon sarnie!! take a booooooo son!
Or maybe it did upstairs and just didn't hear it from where we are.