Bloody cheeky git!
Great penalties when they go in but how stupid would he look?! To be fair to him, Deano was prancing around on the line for his pen and he still had the bottle to do it, suppose it sums up his style.
Not many central defenders take pens like that though!
And not forgetting JTs pen too, that was pretty un save able (sp!)!
Had little confidence in Jerome, particularly with that run up, but placed his away well.
That Morrisons pen was outstanding.
not a lot wrong with varney's mate, plenty of penalties get slammed down the middle and kiely moved way to the left and would never have got there if it was a foot lower... if you want a below-par pen, look at poor old ZZ's, especially for an international penalty taker - felt gutted for him.
IS ZZ still class or is he officially rubbish again. I lose track : - )
Still class last time I looked.
And knackered.........
It looked like a tired penalty from an exhausted player.
He'd run himself into the ground for 2 hours and the penalty was just one step too many for him.