Having read some of the comments on the thread and with the 'dust settling' on my feelings from the comedy club I went to yesterday, I feel that there are a few reasons why I will boycott the club until we get some new players in. On reflection I have become so disenchanted with football as a whole. It probably isn't just the clubs fault, the gap between the top 3, there isn't even a top 4 now, and the rest has got even bigger, the influx of the johnny foreigner player (before anyone starts this is not racist), the over inflated wages, the 'who-knows-when-we-will-kick-off-times, the cheating, the feck all coverage in the press and on TV, the cost of going to games, etc, etc. My club used to be close to the community and accesable, to me that has changed, we were promised by Varney that we would be told what happened to cause Dowie's departure. The club panicked when we got relegated, we had players on contracts that we sold when we could have made them stay, we got rid of our womens team and then with a U-turn reinstated them, having lost most of the players. I get the feeling that there have been big mistakes by the board (Dowie, Les Reed etc) and yet they have remained aloof. I may be wrong but its how I feel, its like a relationship that goes wrong, you give it one final go and if you have to you call it a day, thats were I'm at right now. Just so you know!!
I dont expect CAFC to win the Prem or the Champions league, but I do expect graft, honesty and 100% on the pitch, coupled with the ability to kick a football with both feet, I dont think thats too much to expect from pro footballers.
Happy Days!!!!
If its simply 'i'm not going anymore until we are doing better' or 'i'm not going anymore because i'm paying out money for something i'm not enjoying, and the bond i have with Charlton is no longer strong enough for me to do that blindly', then you should just say that and forget about all the other guff.
Everyone is entitled to their choices, there is no right or wrong decision and you don't have to justify yourself.
Will I turn my back on Charlton? No. I love the club and will be with them until they put me in a box. I have met many friends through Charlton and even if I am frustrated at the standard of football, I enjoy going for the social side.
The bad days make the good moments all that more enjoyable. I doubt whether Man U fans have ever celebrated a 1-0 win the way we did at Derby on this day over twenty years ago ..............
1905, I agree, however I'm not turning my back I am frustrated that we cant get the basics right, plus the fact we have no heart makes it pitiful to watch. I watched Ebsfleet play Grays on boxing day, yes it was pony football however they had heart they fought and challenged for every ball and drew a game they should have lost by 3-4 goals and all this with ten men. They played them again yesterday and won 4-1 because they knew with 11 men they could win. The team I support used to do that!!!
We've played 5 games finishing with 10 men and haven't lost yet.
So I think there's probably enough heart in the team, most games.
If you compare our away results to our home record, you can see the team is much happier on the road.
Whether that is because they perform better away from the abuse and negativity at the Valley or whether the same tactics are not so effective at home begs the question.
Playing away, they are obviously squeezing midfield making it harder for the home team to be creative and creating opportunity for the quick breakaway.
At home, the onus is on us to attack - we hold more of the territory and generally push further upfield.
Except the defence lie too deep and the midfield gets too stretched, resulting in no support for Iwelumo and the defence looking vulnerable.
Sort it out, Pards!
We were guests of Coca Cola yesterday so the wife ,nth london jnr and brother in-law all went into the corperate hospitallity JT won man of match hard to pick anyone but he was about as good as it got.
So i went down to the player entrance to get the little fella a couple of signatures on his book and a picture or 2, Loyd Sam, Varney,Ambrose,Moots,Boogie,Semedo,Mcleod all came to the door to leave and turnt heals and went back like they had been called in to an office ( there was me 3 kids and 3 other people out side not a big group)
they never reapeared a steward said a couple of mins later that they had bolted through and gone out of another door, I manged to clock boogie and semedo, moots, seeing as we had been waiting half an hour in the rain and my boy asked " is it because the players dont like the fans is that y we are rubbish at the moment"
i felt compelled to inform them of how disgusted i was that they had noticed 3 kids outside and tried to duck away, Boogie immediatly appologised for doing so and agreed it was the wrong thing to do and stood for a picture along with moots, semedo just got in his car and drove off Boogie told me that sam,Varney,ambrose had just drove off before he got to his car.
now that is the class of player we have at the moment scared of three 5-6 year old boys and their dads no wonder we loose at home to colchester now the team that i grew up loving would never have done that!!!!!
Mainly because you would have still been standing there at 10.00pm waiting for Hales and co to leave the bar :-)
I remember donkeys years back coming back from walsall, we had just signed Harry Crips he was Mr Millwall 100% BermonseyBoneHead. On Birmingham station weran into the players Harry we there and he signed every program that was stuffed inhis face, he took the good natured abuse about Nillwall. He chatted with all the people there, a true Legend , a true GENT.
Frank Lampard Snr was coming back on a train with WHU, at one end ofthe train was some inFamous Chelsea Headhunters. They couldnt get a drink because the OB barred them from where the bar was. Frank SNr sent down a case of beer to them !I couldnt see 2 days players doing that i mean traveling on a train !!! drinking beer !! well if it had a lemon in the bottle was painted fluro green and calledMexicanBoloxBeer they might i guess.
proberly a good job my boy was next to me or i would def have lost it
nth london addick - shame on the players and feel you should post/send this to the club and tell them to vlast the players - or even get the press involved to show them up. Only player yesterday to come out with any credit is Holland, who again is prepared to clap the fans and take whats coming - and although I booed them off yesterday I stood and clapped him.
wish I could go back 12 years or so. Div 1 football but had players like Nelse, robinson (john) Brownie etc who always gave 110%. Much rather watch those play and lose than the current bunch we have now.
we was in the lounge with nelse,Bumstead,Johnny H all were fantastic nelse had his picture done with me and the little fella sad i know but he was my hero but you cant buy class can you.
I was tempted to write to Pards this afternoon and vent my sleene if i thought anything would come of it i would bother what is the general consencious
I didnt go to Norwich or Leicester but sat at home watching men watching football, and punched the air when we scored, cussed when Sodje got sent off, and thought to myself there has to be something else for me to worry about !!!!
So I'm going to do something real exciting on Saturday, what that is fcuk knows ...
At the risk of sounding condescending, I think that a lot of people who make footie their life (and therefore shell out a lot of money), and base friendships around it will obviously keep making excuses, when deep down you know really you are being pissed on. For me I have other hobbies that I enjoy more - but I still hope I'm entitled to have an opinion on here.
IF we had another say 5 years of this - (No team spirit, HORRIBLE atmosphere at home games, players who don't give a stuff about the fans (DISGUSTING behaviour by seemingly HALF THE SQUAD to nth london and his kid),the shirt or playing for CHARLTON); WILL those sticking up for the board now STILL trot out the 'getting back to the Valley, how much they've done for Charlton' etc etc? We were lied to about so many things - Still not told the story re Dowie (I don't care WHY, they said they would), Told Les Reed was going nowhere as they offered him a ridiculous contract, then got rid of him.
I feel personally pissed on when I read the spin on the website about dire games played by people on very good wages who don't care to a stadium full of disillusioned and pissed off fans. As Bibble says there's a myriad of reasons why, ridiculous wages, all seater stadia, the corporate side. But it wasn't REALLY that long ago we had Clive or Roobo, Stevie Brown or even Nels. People who saw these people play MUST look at Thomas, Ambrose, well... almost all our squad tbh, and know they just DO NOT CARE as much. It's a fact, not opinion. They are pampered, and therefore think they are better than they are.
The thing that really gets me is that this has been getting like this since Parker left - and I thought a season in the Championship with new players might get a bit of team spirit back etc etc ...on that front it's beginning to look like Les Reed's team, but without any good players. There must be something seriously wrong with the whole morale thing. And of course it's a two-way thing between the fans, I don't believe home matches are enjoyable for players or fans at the moment. I've never been one to boo UNLESS performances are inexcusable... but watching this shite, and thinking of the money some of these players are earning, I think fans have every right nowadays. It's just another problem with salaries etc. - fans being more expectant and much less forgiving. And rightly so if the players don't give a fuck. Gary Neville should sit down and shut up.
I like the analogy of a relationship going wrong, that's like the last 3 years or so for me, the board messed up big time on more than one occasion, and things have been done (and players bought & played) that are very un-Charlton-like. Just want to see people give 100 percent, and even if we lose 4-0 we can sing "we're proud of you Charlton" (anyone remember that one?) and clap the lads off.
Ho hum...
most of them repeated on here
I have never really been bothered by the earnings in football and i have never really looked upon it as a reason as to why the players at most clubs are spinning out of control as long as i could afford to go to charlton i would because the deserved my support and needed it when it became to dear i would stop as we would have to be so succesful by then that 99% of the games would be on TV
I have just posted a letter to Pardew and an email to our fan elected director as it was not right what they did
The sad side of it is it does make you look at just how much bollox we have been fed lately and just who gives a shit apart from us and if the young fella wants to go else where he either is not going to see footie at all because i can not just Flick that switch or i am gonna have to swallow watching another team with him.
and i dislike both local clubs so Barnet it will have to be
Good for you Darren old son. I bet you were wondering if you were just imagining things at first, but the fact that when Boogie came out (and I suppose some credit is due there) he more or less coughed to the others doing a runner proves what you suspected was right. We shouldn't be that surprised, if they play football like they've got no arsehole then the chances are that's what they're like in real life.
Semedo apparently can't speak English very well at all and the Song lookalike is his interpreter. I suppose it is possible that he genuinely didn't know or understand what was going on which was why he drove off.
Sam, Varney, Ambrose and McLeod should be ashamed of themselves though if what you say is right. I would have thought that Varney, coming into the professional game late, would have a "real world" attitude so his alleged behaviour surprises me to be honest. The same applies to Sam to some extent given how long it has taken him to break into the team.
In my experience though the REALLY GOOD performers have class on and off the pitch and I've met Test cricketers and International Rugby players.
It's the no-marks who tend to be up their own arses and Tuesday tells you what category some of our players fall into.
What exactly do they think they did to earn their money on Tuesday? I'd feel embarrassed picking up my pay cheque - at least if they'd signed a few autographs they'd have done something right!
The point is you're either Charlton til you die or not.
The club needs a cup run or turning around the youth scheme to liven it up because at the moment everyone has a hangover and the players (and fans) simply do NOT like home games.
I hope something comes up but will be glad to be one of those who stay around as long as it takes to see this through - my son is not happy we talked him out of being a Chelsea fan when he was 5 but he appreciates that you need the bad times to really appreciate the good ones...