If that's mispelt and meant to be Kevin Keegan then you are on a wind up i think. 3 leagues, a couple of UEFA cups a european cup do not amount to much in my opinion, if that was the case then half the Man U '99 squad should be knighted. He has done nothing of note as a manager.
If it's someone i have never heard of then he does not deserve it anyway. ;-)
[cite]Posted By: WSS[/cite]If that's mispelt and meant to be Kevin Keegan then you are on a wind up i think. 3 leagues, a couple of UEFA cups a european cup do not amount to much in my opinion, if that was the case then half the Man U '99 squad should be knighted. He has done nothing of note as a manager.
If it's someone i have never heard of then he does not deserve it anyway. ;-)
Sorry but I love the bloke. To me he was a hero when I was a lad. You are obviously not old enough to realise the effect he had on people of my era. He was Beckham/Flintoff/Wilkinson all rolled into one.
As for a manager I think he did a lot. Took both Newcastle and Fulham from the brink of oblivion to the Prem. And also gave England a massive boost when needed. If you were at Wembley when he led us out against Poland you'd know.
He is still massively passionate about football. He has some academy things up north. His enthusiasm has not dwindled but just like with Hoddle his knowledge and experience has been totally wasted by the idiots that run our national game.
i think passion clouds ability sometimes though DJDD.
I'm not doubting his footballing ability and 62 caps for England is nothing to be shrugged at but there are plentyof players who have done just as much as him, if not more in their playing careers. Obviously, if he envokes certain memories for you then brilliant, and as you say, i'm too young to remember him that well playing.
He may have had a great effect on that Poland game but what about the rest of the games, The European Championships were a disaster. He is the worst permanent England manager on the basis of results. FACT (it actually is).
There are no sporting knighthoods this New Year either, can't think of someone who deserves one either.
[quote][cite]Posted By: vancouveraddick[/cite]Just being devils advocate here WSS.
Name all the british players to win the European Footballer of the year twice.[/quote]
Bang on, Vancouver.
He is also one of the very, very few English players to genuinely succeed overseas when he dominated the Bundesliga in a period when it was arguably the strongest league in the world.
As a manager he had many faults but he saved Newcastle from near extinction and produced some of the most exciting football I have seen when he got them into the Premiership, they were terrific to watch.
Not sure about the knighthood though, I think that sportspeople receive these things too much anyway.
Michael Chuffin Parkinson? How can you get a knighthood for droning in a dour northern accent and stumbling through "interviews" - which were always more like mutual back slapping anyway . Fug me, they'll be giving one to Terry Wogan next ................... eh ..................... you what?
I'd keep it for myself - would be great for booking tables/geting tickets, etc!
If it's someone i have never heard of then he does not deserve it anyway. ;-)
Sorry but I love the bloke. To me he was a hero when I was a lad. You are obviously not old enough to realise the effect he had on people of my era. He was Beckham/Flintoff/Wilkinson all rolled into one.
As for a manager I think he did a lot. Took both Newcastle and Fulham from the brink of oblivion to the Prem. And also gave England a massive boost when needed. If you were at Wembley when he led us out against Poland you'd know.
He is still massively passionate about football. He has some academy things up north. His enthusiasm has not dwindled but just like with Hoddle his knowledge and experience has been totally wasted by the idiots that run our national game.
I'm not doubting his footballing ability and 62 caps for England is nothing to be shrugged at but there are plentyof players who have done just as much as him, if not more in their playing careers. Obviously, if he envokes certain memories for you then brilliant, and as you say, i'm too young to remember him that well playing.
He may have had a great effect on that Poland game but what about the rest of the games, The European Championships were a disaster. He is the worst permanent England manager on the basis of results. FACT (it actually is).
There are no sporting knighthoods this New Year either, can't think of someone who deserves one either.
Name all the british players to win the European Footballer of the year twice.
Name all the british players to win the European Footballer of the year twice.[/quote]
Bang on, Vancouver.
He is also one of the very, very few English players to genuinely succeed overseas when he dominated the Bundesliga in a period when it was arguably the strongest league in the world.
As a manager he had many faults but he saved Newcastle from near extinction and produced some of the most exciting football I have seen when he got them into the Premiership, they were terrific to watch.
Not sure about the knighthood though, I think that sportspeople receive these things too much anyway.
Oops, not after today.