Both great players in their time at Charlton, but unfortunately the past counts for nothing now and both players were embarrassing today. It's fair to say if different players were playing in their positions we may not have lost the game.
I feel sorry for Powell because he has certainly played more games than expected due to the cursed left back position, and as such we had no other real options. Definitely at fault for 2 goals. Holland on the other hand has been a liability for a while now and brings absolutely nothing to the team. Powder puff and ineffective. Should donate his match fee to charity on the basis he did nothing at all.
On a positive note, Mcleod and Varney looked quite useful in patches and I think there are still plenty of good things to focus on.
Agree that Chrissy looked totally out classed by Gera, but then again Ive always thought Gera was a class act anyway.
it's a shame - fantastic character and servant to the club
Brunt was given far too much space by Sankofa to pick his cross. Defensively we were just far too half-arsed.
Christ, where do we get these people from ?????
Holland was our best player today.
Why is it so many on here seem to enjoy knocking our own, whether it be players or fans, with such vigour ?
Its doing my nut in
You could have said that about Deschamps. Not that Im making any direct comparison mind ;-)
Oh no they dont ;-)
I agree with everything you just said in that post. Does that disprove your theory?
I agree that powell is looking a bit behind the pace. But how can you say that about holland?!! hes only been back from injury a couple of weeks. and the couple of games ive seen him play hes been solid. and even nicked a goal. Just because a player doesn't get mentioned every couple of seconds by the commentators doesn't mean they are ineffective.
chins up everyone we will smash the slaggies at home anyway.
Anyway, welcome to the board.
I think he's either having some sort of breakdown or else he's got a hangover from being out on the Christmas wallop yesterday. It feels like we're the naughty schoolkids standing in the corner after a telling off from teacher!
You didn't need to be Doris Stokes to predict that we would struggle defensively today against arguably the best attack in the division.
To answer Ledge Moo2 is injured.
In the Powell thread also running at the mo, I'd tried to put Powell's situation in perspective.
The bloke is nowhere near fully fit and should never have played today - but there is NOBODY else.
He's a hero for playing in the first place.