Can somebody help me with the ruling on Slander and measures I can take.A certain high profile member of this board called me a Johnny come lately yesterday,an accusation which really hurt.I was wondering what action I could take against him,I was thinkin along the lines of a 2 hour session with Golfie on positive thinkin.
It would be easier to prove if he had written on this board and then it would be libel
That'll make you suffer - all over again......
Apparently all credibility to your claim got eroded by posting in the wrong category.
An invoice for my lawyer costs is on its way.....
Dear Sir
As Mr Northstand's legal representatives we demand access to your telephone records. You have claimed that on the night on 26 November 2007 you rang Selhurst Park Stadium for verification of a statement made by our client as to his location during a football match between Charlton Atheltic Football Club (1984) and Bradford City Football Club in 1986
We submit that no such phone call took place and consequently you have libeled our client. We shall be seeking damages of £1m (One million pounds)
Goontakethemoney & Run LLP
what sort of word is that !!??!
It's like "go on take the money" but with no spaces ; - )
Thank you for your letter dated 27th November. Having checked with Companies House, no such company as Goontakethemoney & Run LLP exists, and could be seen as defamation against the well known group Gonnatakethemoney & Run LLP. Like a parking ticket with the wrong registration number, your claim is now invalid.
Your faithfully
Upyoursyoubores & Son LLP
That's Libel. £1m or you have to write out 1000 times "Izele McLeod is the new Darren Bent"