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countries that dislike each other.



  • Oz and the Kiwis......although if a Kiwi becomes famous, the Aussies will adopt them for themselves! Russell Crowe, Sam Neil etal
  • Turkey - Greece I am told by the Turks who play in my Vets Team.
  • edited October 2007
  • Mork and Mindy
  • Yorkshire and Lancashire
  • north and south..
  • [cite]Posted By: fazza[/cite]Canada and USA ??? to be corrected.

    English and French colonials against the brash we've defeated the home nations republicans.

    No Canada USA is one for sure......
  • Turkey and Greece is a major one, and hopefully the reason Turkey will never make it into the EU.
    And yeah, Canadians (English, French and Irish) usually hate the US in a big way.
  • my house mates dad is/was a Greek Cypriot hotel owner....
    he doesn't half hate those Turks.
  • England Turkey
    England Argentina
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  • [cite]Posted By: fazza[/cite]my house mates dad is/was a Greek Cypriot hotel owner....
    he doesn't half hate those Turks.

    My wives two bosses are Greek Cypriots and feel exactly the same way... both lived in Northern Cyprus before the invasion and so lost their homes and businesses
  • my dad done hes national service in cyprus,loved it!
  • Surely you mean nationalities not countries.
    Stupid thread if I may say so.
  • A mate of mine lives in Cyprus on the Greek side - He is a real pacifist/vegetarian/spiritual kind of geezer but I remember one time I took some Turkish beer (EFES) from the kebab shop over to his place and he refused to drink it.
  • thanks jim!zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • kazakhstan and Azerbaijan....something to do with who has the best prostitutes.
  • New Zealand Australia.
  • Fattypuffs and Thinifers

    Oh the irony!
  • [cite]Posted By: AFKA Bartram[/cite]there was a big group of Norwegians in the Oak on Saturday, poor fellas coming over that...

    They were mentioned on Radio 5 - apparently they thought they were coming to a Premiership match! Oh dear....
  • Spain and Italy
  • Sponsored links:

  • jersey and guernsey
  • Can't believe nobody's said England and Germany!
  • england and germany
  • Copycat!
  • Anyone actually like anyone?
  • English speaking Canada - Quebec - the Frenchies hate us, they want their own nation which would sink without trace within a few weeks of separation
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