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Rodney Stone RIP

edited October 2007 in General Charlton
I today received the following e-mail from Liz Stone, the daughter of Rodney Stone.

The passing of Rodney Stone General Manager at Charlton form 1969 t0 1977

Dear Ben,

My father Rodney Stone spent many happy years as General Manager at Charlton Athletic football club from September 1969 to 1977. Unfortunately he passed away on Sunday November 14th form Bowel Cancer a condition that non-one including his GP knew he had. This in its way was a blessing, as Dad to the very end had a great mind, quick wit and was still very active at 77 Years old and had he have known he was so ill would have been like a very unhappy caged lion.
Dad is being cremated at Randall’s Park Crematorium, Leatherhead, Surrey the service is on Friday October 26th at 1400hrs. I don’t expect attendance however I would appreciate you giving him a little thought and passing the news on to those who knew him.

The following article was written about 20years ago for the Charlton magazine. Hope it leaves a fond and happy memory of a very special person who I’m proud to call my Dad.

His wife Liz, daughter Liz and son David are going to miss in terribly as he was never dull and always a kind colourful person to have around.

Kind regards.

Liz Stone

I replied as follows

Dear Liz

I am very sad to hear your news.

I never had the privilege of meeting your father but I am of course aware of all the invaluable work he did for the club over many years.

I will certainly be thinking of him as well as you and the rest of his family and many friends.

I will also pass on the sad news to others at the football club.

Please accept my condolences on behalf of the supporters.


Ben Hayes
Supporters' Director

The club are aware and will be writing to Liz Stone. I'd be happy to pass on any messages.

I will try to post the article mentioned by Liz later.


  • Sad news.

    I think I'm right in saying that Rodney was instrumental in our playing lots of night games in the 70s as he reckoned the players were more geed up as they couldn't see the wide empty spaces on the terraces.

    Given that we always did well under the lights then I think he was right.

  • I assume she means OCTOBER 14th. Sad news either way.
  • My memories of Rodney Stone...

    Wading into a punch-up on the old South Terrace trying to break it up (Can you imagine Peter Varney trying to do that?)

    Confronting the masses when they wanted a 'special' for the cup game at Wolves in 1975. He said he'd try and arrange it and true to his word we got two trains

    A Charlton legend, IMHO. RIP Rodney Stone
  • I remember talking to him on a few occasions on the club trip to Tunisia in May 1975.
    He was full of ideas and put them forward in his own characterful way.

    I was still only 19 at the time but he still found time to talk football and behind the scenes stuff to me (and many others).

    I've still got our 'team & supporters' photo of the party in Tunisia.
    I'll have to see if I can find it.

    Deepest sympathy to the family.
  • RIP Rodney Stone
  • His GP was unaware that he had cancer, very disturbing news.

    R.I.P. Rodney. You were before my time but sound like a right character and a true Charlton legend!
  • An ex-paratrooper i believe.

  • RIP.

    Wasn't Rodney the first person to think of Franchise football, by thinking of moving Charlton to Milton Keynes?
  • RIP Mr Rodney Stone
  • Sponsored links:

  • RIP. Rodney.
  • Mr Stone told me as a 14/15 year old I wouldn`t make the grade as a pro, hard to to take at the time as a hot headed youngun, but he found a job for me (on the groundstaff) with the best Gaffer I have ever had and one of Life`s true gentlemen a certain Mr M. Banham. Between the two of them they steered me on a course that set me up for life, Mr Stone and Mr Banham, I thank you, and may you both rest in peace.

  • [cite]Posted By: T.C.E[/cite]Mr Stone told me as a 14/15 year old I wouldn`t make the grade as a pro, hard to to take at the time as a hot headed youngun, but he found a job for me (on the groundstaff) with the best Gaffer I have ever had and one of Life`s true gentlemen a certain Mr M. Banham. Between the two of them they steered me on a course that set me up for life, Mr Stone and Mr Banham, I thank you, and may you both rest in peace.


    That's a lovely heartfelt post!

  • edited October 2007
    Yeah, great stuff TCE. Just shows how sometimes there are special people that have a way of making a difference in the lives of others at just the time one needs it. Sounds like Mr. Stone (and Mr Banham) had that gift. I've been lucky enough to have had a few great influences in my life thus far and I'm truly thankful.
  • INFO Re Mr Rodney Stone ,aman ahead of his time.
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