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Nelson Mandela statue in london



  • You are obsessed Henry! Ivor the bleedin' Engine is not that much of a contribution to the world.

    Nelson M: "I think that we should give equal rights to black people in South Africa?"

    Apartheid Person: "Why?"

    Nelson M: "Ccch cuk-coo, Ccch cuk-coo"

    Apartheid Person: "Oh no! Not Ivor the Engine logic! Our regime crumbles..."
  • [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]Are there any modern British people that should get a statue?

    Maggie Thatcher, Tony Blair, Red Ken himself....

    Thought you'd had enough of the thread?
  • Ah, maybe so Sco, but when you add The Clangers and Bagpuss...
  • [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]You are obsessed Henry! Ivor the bleedin' Engine is not that much of a contribution to the world.

    Nelson M: "I think that we should give equal rights to black people in South Africa?"

    Apartheid Person: "Why?"

    Nelson M: "Ccch cuk-coo, Ccch cuk-coo"

    Apartheid Person: "Oh no! Not Ivor the Engine logic! Our regime crumbles..."

    Surely the story of Noggin the Nog marrying an Inuit is a story of racial integration for our times. Likewise Bagpuss shows that through unity and hard work anything can be achieved while Poggles Wood proves that going down to the woods and eating mushrooms will expand your mind.

    Postgate is the Buddha of the 20th Century
  • Mother of god......
  • Pogles' Wood; please pay attention to details Henry.
  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Medders[/cite]
    [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]Are there any modern British people that should get a statue?

    Maggie Thatcher, Tony Blair, Red Ken himself....

    Thought you'd had enough of the thread?

    I've had enough of your s**t but it still keeps coming....
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]Mother of god......[/quote]

    Neither British, nor modern Carter. Try again...
  • Sorry, I should of quoted the paragraph above about the modern buddha thing!

    Right you asked for it Meddina
  • has oliver cromwell got a statue?
  • Sponsored links:

  • [cite]Posted By: Carter[/cite]Sorry, I should of quoted the paragraph above about the modern buddha thing!

    Right you asked for it Meddina

    Thanks for those two beauties Dicko. One looks like your face smiling back at me from the depths of the pan....
  • ScoSco
    edited August 2007
    "has oliver cromwell got a statue?"

  • [cite]Posted By: nolly aka lucy lou[/cite]has oliver cromwell got a statue?

    And when it was put up in 1899 people moaned about it. How things change.

    Maybe they were Charlton fans!
  • [quote][cite]Posted By: Algarveaddick[/cite]Pogles' Wood; please pay attention to details Henry.[/quote]

    It was the bilberry wine.
  • Good link, can't wait for Saturday for two reasons now...
  • mr mandela comes across a nice man,likes england,and is a stronger man than most,have no problem with him being there.
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