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    Heard some really positive things about how good this kid could be, glad he’s signed up
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    The new Gomez. Excellent potential. 
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    This is great news. Said on here before that at end of last year I was teaching a lad from the academy and he said that despite how good Leaburn, Kanu and a few others were, Josh was the best player in the academy. Hopefully he’s fully shaken off the bad injury and can kick on this season. Just Kone left now. 🙌🏼🤞🏼
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    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
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    Cafc43v3r said:
    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
    Josh, rhymes with dosh 
    Not Josh you aah

    (Rachel Green, 1998) 
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    The long term injury must of swung it for us!

    Seriously,  good luck young man.
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    Terrible news. Having to type out Laqeretabua every time will be a nightmare  ;)
    Where will the bonus 'N' be thrown in a la Ventokele?
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    Terrible news. Having to type out Laqeretabua every time will be a nightmare  ;)
    Where will the bonus 'N' be thrown in a la Ventokele?
    It'll be a rogue C or CK

    Lacqeretabua, Lackeretabua
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     Good news as this lad looks very promising. All the best Josh. 
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    I think its pronounced Lacka - Retta - Bowa
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    I have not seen him over a sustained period, but what little I have seen has been impressive.
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    Irish wristwatch.
    Irish wristwatch.
    Irish wristwatch.
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    I bet we just take the Chelsea approach and just call him Dave 
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    edited July 2023
    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
    Lacka Retta Boo Ah
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    Mart77 mentioned Ahmed Kone well he has gone to Qatar on a 5 year deal. Good promising goalkeeper departed.
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    Mart77 mentioned Ahmed Kone well he has gone to Qatar on a 5 year deal. Good promising goalkeeper departed.
    Disappointing if true and think he’ll have a decent career. I guess money talked. I do think this highlights what we’ve been competing with as several of our lads were highly desired by some top clubs. Props to those who managed to convince so many to sign up with us. 
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    Btw @snakedavis I’m not doubting you at all I just haven’t that from anywhere else yet. 
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    Mart77 mentioned Ahmed Kone well he has gone to Qatar on a 5 year deal. Good promising goalkeeper departed.
    That’s a shame but we’ve done well to get most of the others signed up. Believe that only leaves Kedwell and Myers - I don’t think they’re seen as the top prospects in their age group?
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    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
    Can we call him Laq’y ??

    well it’s better than Tab’y !
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    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
    Can we call him Laq’y ??

    well it’s better than Tab’y !
    The lad I met who knows him called him Josh Laq (Lack)
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    Dazzler21 said:
    Can someone advise how to pronounce his name...
    Lacka Retta Boo Ah
    I was saying boo-urns  rTheSimpsons
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    Mart77 mentioned Ahmed Kone well he has gone to Qatar on a 5 year deal. Good promising goalkeeper departed.
    fuck him then if he doesn't want to play proper football.
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    Good news. Josh, that is, not Kone. 
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    Gonna become Fiji's most famous Footballer this lad...
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    Superb to hear.  The club really has done well to sign up so many of our kids over the last couple of summers.

    Shame if Kone has gone, very strange move for a kid of that ahe to go to Qatar but I guess the money would have been decent.
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