omg a hugely talented manager, to be replaced by one with a positive media perception and no record of achievement.
It does seem like time for Greg Abbott to move on. I hope he get's a club who can add a bit of resources to keep his team together just thet little bit longer, so they can maintain momentum over seasons. What he did earlier in replacing players, and bringing in people on short term contracts like Harte and Perricard, was so impressive. I hope he finds the right club.
If we had kept Parky this entire time he would be 4th on the list behind only Wilder, Tisdale and Wenger, and even then he would be behind Wilder by only 10 days!
considering Tisdale was interviewed for us I find it even more remarkable that he is still where he is and it speaks volume of how high regard his chairman hold him, if powelly ever goes I would love to see him given the job
If we had kept Parky this entire time he would be 4th on the list behind only Wilder, Tisdale and Wenger, and even then he would be behind Wilder by only 10 days!
If Curbs was still here he would be the 1st longest serving.
It does seem like time for Greg Abbott to move on. I hope he get's a club who can add a bit of resources to keep his team together just thet little bit longer, so they can maintain momentum over seasons. What he did earlier in replacing players, and bringing in people on short term contracts like Harte and Perricard, was so impressive. I hope he finds the right club.
There are 92 league clubs and only 89 on the list.
I'm desperately trying to resist trawling to discover the missing 3!
And even Parky is only one outside the top twenty overall.
The sacking does seem terribly harsh, silly timing as well, 6 games is hardly enough time to define a season.
Norwich sacked Bryan Gunn after 2 games and Saints got rid of Pardew after 3-4 games. Didn't do either of them any harm!