Can I be the first to say he is piss poor,not tall enough,what are we doing signing players from Moldovan football.Powell doesn't have a clue,FFS sign a striker.POWELL OUT.
Can I be the first to say he is piss poor,not tall enough,what are we doing signing players from Moldovan football.Powell doesn't have a clue,FFS sign a striker.POWELL OUT.
Who famously sung Killer.
Just waiting for someone to come along now and claim they follow Burkina Faso's matches religiously and piss on the chips of any optimism!
I watch a lot of african football and the fella has talent. Big shock how well BF did at last AFnat and he was a key cog in Les Etalons
As with all african signings with no euro experience there are multiple factors which could influence his progress.
Serious talent tho...if he adapts we have just signed a more skilful version of check tiote!!!
If he makes the step up into the first team then even better. Might make a better (taller) version of Pritchard.
Mean looking defensive midfielder is one thing we're missing in midfield
Just what we wanted.
Your very wellcome sir.