Hi guys
I'm from Mars. We are planning to take over the universe next Monday. I'll be in the advance party that lands secretly on Friday. The big boys with the heavy artillery and all the snazzy life force equipment don't come till Sunday so I'll be kicking my heels on Saturday (well I would be if I actually had heels but my genetic structure is too complicated for humans to comprehend so just pretend for a second that I am a little green man). I'll be at a loose end on Saturday so thought I'd try to take in a game. I've tried to get a ticket but the humanoids in the commercial centre just won't sell me any. I've tried the brain cleanse function but it doesn't seem to work. Cant think why. They are sticking to their guns.
I've been a Charlton fan ever since our last scouting mission when we programmed in "the one true leader" into our earth search. I confess that I had not heard of Sir Christopher Powell at that point. We had expected to locate another chap called Obama or some such, but hey, whose complaining. The guy seems like the real deal. It would be just great to visit the one true leader in his den (shit I meant Valley) before we get nasty and blow the place to smithereens on Saturday, shit I meant Monday. Can anyone help me out with a couple of tickets? We'll bring you lots of mars bars to say thanks............
"Oh man! look at those cavemen go
It's the freakiest show."
It IS Ma's day , after all.
if someone from mars really wanted tickets, i would donate one of mine. Only problem is they might stand out a bit in the north lower
See, rumbled again.
That would give him a real Boost !