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    Did you hear about the drummer who named all four of his daughters Anna?

    Anna 1
    Anna 2
    Anna 3
    Anna 4

    No, but I did hear about the Mexican fireman who named his sons Hose A and Hose B.
    So close.
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    I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it
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    I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day, but I couldn’t find any.

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    I was talking to my girlfriend the other day about her birthday.

    I said so love give me 3 clues for what u want and i will buy u it.

    She said ok

    Clue1- it begins with a D
    Clue 2- it vibrates
    Clue 3- its a womens bestfriend

    So I have just ordered her a dishwasher
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    The school I went to in Catford had a big problem with drugs.

    Especially Class A
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    A cement mixer collided with a prison van on the Kingston Bypass.

    Motorists are asked to be on the lookout for 16 hardened criminals.

    It's a good one. First heard it on "The Two Ronnies"

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    Gutted, I just finished writing my autobiography and accidentally dropped it in a pot of glue. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it.
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    The school I went to in Catford had a big problem with drugs.

    Especially Class A

    Love it when you get going. Are you Tim Vine in disguise?
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    I never eat anything labelled "Reformed ham" as I think it's unfair that the pigs have been slaughtered just as they've got their lives back on track.

    This morning I went to a meeting of my Premature Ejaculators Support Group. It turns out it's tomorrow.

    Do you know what? The other day a young girl described me as 'a looker'. (Actually, I think the word she used was 'voyeur', but that's the same thing, isn't it?)

    The young couple next door to me have recently made a sex tape. Obviously, they don't know that yet.

    Every Christmas we have pigs in blankets. Or, as I call them, Relatives.

    I went on a barging holiday once. I haven't got a boat, I just kept pushing people into the canals.

    I've just ordered a chicken, and an egg, off the internet. Just to see which one comes first.
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    I never eat anything labelled "Reformed ham" as I think it's unfair that the pigs have been slaughtered just as they've got their lives back on track.

    This morning I went to a meeting of my Premature Ejaculators Support Group. It turns out it's tomorrow.

    Do you know what? The other day a young girl described me as 'a looker'. (Actually, I think the word she used was 'voyeur', but that's the same thing, isn't it?)

    The young couple next door to me have recently made a sex tape. Obviously, they don't know that yet.

    Every Christmas we have pigs in blankets. Or, as I call them, Relatives.

    I went on a barging holiday once. I haven't got a boat, I just kept pushing people into the canals.

    I've just ordered a chicken, and an egg, off the internet. Just to see which one comes first.

    I think when I watched the above standup, the last joke was

    “I've just ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon, I’ll let you know.”

    But I may have that wrong
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    You're right. It was
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    I’ve started using garlic in my magic act. First I start by crushing it, adding basil and some pine nuts, and then I blend them altogether with some parmesan and olive oil...

    Then, hey... pesto!
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    She sells sea shells by the sea shore.

    Seems like a misguided business venture to me
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    It’s all gone s bit Stewart Francis on here
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    When I worked in market research, I found out that five out of six people like playing Russian roulette.
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    ozaddick said:

    A man rushes home and says to his wife, ‘quick!! Get me a beer before it starts!’ So the wife grabs him a cold one and he downs it in one.
    ‘Quickly!’ he cries again, ‘get me a beer before it starts!’ She does the same and he gulps down the drink.

    ‘Again, !’ He calls, before it starts.’

    She shouts ‘Now listen here you fat cunt, you come in here, sit down and start barking fucking orders....
    ‘Fuck me,’ he says, ‘it’s started.’

    A man rushes into a pub and says
    "Give me a large brandy before the trouble starts".

    The barman gives him the brandy and asks when the trouble's starting.

    The man downs the large brandy and replies
    "Now. I don't have any money".
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    ozaddick said:

    A man rushes home and says to his wife, ‘quick!! Get me a beer before it starts!’ So the wife grabs him a cold one and he downs it in one.
    ‘Quickly!’ he cries again, ‘get me a beer before it starts!’ She does the same and he gulps down the drink.

    ‘Again, !’ He calls, before it starts.’

    She shouts ‘Now listen here you fat cunt, you come in here, sit down and start barking fucking orders....
    ‘Fuck me,’ he says, ‘it’s started.’

    A man rushes into a pub and says
    "Give me a large brandy before the trouble starts".

    The barman gives him the brandy and asks when the trouble's starting.

    The man downs the large brandy and replies
    "Now. I don't have any money".
    School playground, I think.
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    Roland is about to sell Charlton to Lea & Perrins.

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    edited September 2018
    In a recent survey, 6/7 dwarves weren't Happy
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    Knock knock
    Who's there?
    The interrupting cow
    The interrup.....
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    Knock knock
    Who’s there?
    The doorbell repairman.
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    As if my day couldn’t get any worse. My old clothes horse broke tonight...

    It’s an end of an airer!
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Roland Out Forever!