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General things that Annoy you



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    ross1 said:

    Switching MOTD on and seeing Danny Murphy's miserable face. Thank god for pause and wind...

    Why do you have to pause before you F**T
    assessing the potential for follow through
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    edited December 2018
    Sky want £14 to buy and keep the original Mary poppins or £3.50 to rent it!

    If the new one wasn’t out it’d £3.50 to keep.

    (Yes I saw the new Mary Poppins tonight)

    Edit: happy new Year all
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    Booking family holidays to center parcs is apparently a curse and is starting to get very annoying.
    Two years ago we booked a surprise week away for my mums 60th. Two days before, she had a nasty hypoglycaemic episode so that was postponed.
    Last year, annual family trip booked in February, I snapped my wrist a week before
    It’s my brothers 30th next week so guess what we did. That’s right, surprise trip to center parcs. Selfish bugger admitted to hospital on Sunday with a ruptured appendix.

    I won’t even get started on how annoying darenth valley have been in the last 48hours.
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    andyg90 said:

    Booking family holidays to center parcs is apparently a curse and is starting to get very annoying.
    Two years ago we booked a surprise week away for my mums 60th. Two days before, she had a nasty hypoglycaemic episode so that was postponed.
    Last year, annual family trip booked in February, I snapped my wrist a week before
    It’s my brothers 30th next week so guess what we did. That’s right, surprise trip to center parcs. Selfish bugger admitted to hospital on Sunday with a ruptured appendix.

    I won’t even get started on how annoying darenth valley have been in the last 48hours.

    Wouldn't they let you round your bikes around the wards ??
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    Bloody fireworks still going off. Loads of them again tonight, one of my dogs is absolutely petrified of them. I think it should be illegal to let them off other than bonfire night & new years eve.

    We dont allow our cats in the living room overnight so they dont trash the place... One of them though refuses to be picked up and run the serious risk of losing your life if you try to hold them - New Years Eve though they were so terrified of the fireworks she was more than happy to be picked up and given a stroke to calm her down
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    Time wasting in football - most of all when the keeper or a defender refuses to release the ball after a goal has been scored. A red card every time a player did that would soon sort it out!
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    Checking the takeover thread 300 times a day....
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    edited January 2019
    Kent dwelling, shirt wearing, pant-sniffing plastic Liverpool fans and manyoo fans.

    In the early part of the season I was sat outside an old local watching the Sunday football which happened to be Newcastle v Chelsea and a handful of these pricks stood up and cheered when Newcastle scored, in was watching half interested killing time while my wife and her pal got to the point they drank the place out of pinot grigio, anyway I digress. My mate Carl came out to join me and he is a proper Chelsea fan, he came out at the point these penises were jumping around at Newcastle shanking one in and asked who they supported

    "man united" came the soppy, hapless response from this handful of inbreds. To which he pinged the perfect "I should have known from your thick mancunian accents shouldn't I" which isn't a first but it was beautifully timed and shut the silly pricks up for a few microseconds. And that has stuck in my mind. This country and its fine people do not question enough the heritage or credentials of cocksuckers like this. It's accepted that more of the arseholes of Medway support a club upwards of 200 miles away that they definitely couldn't stick a pin to on a map.

    Anyway that was a massive digressional

    The ones who really fuck me off are the even worse bunch. The millwall fans who I know damn well have never set foot in Zampa road or have a season ticket, or do anything other than say they are a fucking millwall fan yet again, I have been to their shithole more times as an away fan than they have even set foot in Bermondsey. It annoys me that much it makes me like scum fans who actually go.

    So I couldn't pull the "I should have guessed because of your South london docker boy Bermondsey accent"

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    Carter said:

    of course I'm not fucking ok soppy cods, I'm walking home from the pub with one eye open paying more attention to the nonsense I'm rambling about on here than where my feet are meant to be going.

    I'm a disgrace

    Good man. How else would you spend a thursday!
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    Carter said:

    of course I'm not fucking ok soppy cods, I'm walking home from the pub with one eye open paying more attention to the nonsense I'm rambling about on here than where my feet are meant to be going.

    I'm a disgrace

    That’s dry January for you...well played!
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    edited January 2019
    People telling other people how they should spend their money. Unless you are a good financial advisor of course
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    Betvictor's cash out facility. Feeble coverage of anything non-league, cash out is suspended way more than it needs to be, and it switches off ages before the end of the game, exxactly when you might think about using it. Rubbish!
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    IdleHans said:

    Betvictor's cash out facility. Feeble coverage of anything non-league, cash out is suspended way more than it needs to be, and it switches off ages before the end of the game, exxactly when you might think about using it. Rubbish!

    People who think bookies are there to give you a fair chance of winning.

    What next online gambling...?
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    The cretin who parked behind me this evening in a three-car street parking bay, the front of his car actually touching my towbar despite him having a metre at least of space behind him. Next time the arsehole will be getting shunted back HARD.
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    Twats who copy and paste posts from one forum to another.
    Why not put your points on the original site if you have something to add to the discussion?
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    Stig said:

    CAFC official tweets when we have scored - the ones with a little play button in the middle of the image. Every time I click on it thinking I'm going to see the goal. Every time I am caught out and just see a mind-numbingly tedious graphic saying "goal". I already knew that you numpties. Stop wasting everyone's time. It's 2019, no-one is impressed with moving graphics anymore. Stop!

    Don’t they just play automatically on your feed?
    No annoying play button, just the flashing graphic
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    edited January 2019
    New Years resolutioners at my gym, you know you won't be here in a few weeks so do one
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    After 2 weeks of desperately praying that a 'spot' that appeared on mini franck, shortly after being put somewhere it probably shouldn't have, disappears.....and it doesn't.

    An hour wait in a waiting room, everyone eyes down.

    10 mins of prodding mini Franck follows (we all know how cold it is) to be told

    You have an in growing hair.

    So it had doubled in size then?
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    Leaving work early to go out for my birthday tea with my son and having to do a call on the train.

    Not concentrating and getting on a train to New Cross and having to go back to London Bridge to get back home.

    May has well have done the call from the office, useless tosser.
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    The piece of my home I call 'on the side'.

    All incoming mail is left there to await further processing, along with small items of bric a brac that may have a use, but as yet not allocated. Over time this pile will grow into what I consider a problem area, necessitating action and executive decision making, two things that I do not excel at.

    When I do finally attack the stack, there will inevitably be some paperwork that can hit the recycle bin straight away. However, other papers will need shuffling into files of paperwork elsewhere in the house where they'll sit for many years awaiting their turn to be shredded and disposed of.

    Finally what am I going to do with that nice wooden wine box that's sat there since Christmas? Surely there must be something it can be used for? No there isn't, it's going out with the bins next week!
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