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General things that Annoy you



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    The Ikea doc on BBC, I can’t work out if it’s a piss take or not. I wish I had a quid for every time they mentioned diversity, it’s flat pack furniture for fuck sake.
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    buckshee said:

    The Ikea doc on BBC, I can’t work out if it’s a piss take or not. I wish I had a quid for every time they mentioned diversity, it’s flat pack furniture for fuck sake.

    But it's available in black and white
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    Shopping in Waitrose Biggin Hill and waiting in line for Farage to pay for his steaks and red wine. Hate him with a passion and just can’t bring myself to shout out “Hurry up you little tosser”. One day, one day.
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    Lolly Pop men/women high fiving kids crossing the road.
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    T_C_E said:

    W@nker dog owners, woman brought a 10 month GermanShepherd to me after it bit her as she tried to get him out of his bed. Straight away spotted it had an injury and likely in pain, I refused to train her injured puppy and told her to attend the vet despite her insistence it was "growing pains" ??
    Just found the dog in rescue looking for new home. :(

    Can we add to that people who don't train their dogs. In particular small dogs. In the park, off the lead they turn into snarling teeth filled arseholes. My dog Tank, who weighs in at a respectable ten and a half stone, would likely be shot for being a dangerous dog if he behaved like that.

    The reason he doesn't? Puppy classes as soon as he had his shots and a lot of socialization.
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    People who watch videos on loud volume/ do not have it on mute or quiet in a waiting area. Especially when there's just a few people around. Have some common decency and manners.
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    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)
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    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)

    in the meantime, make do with scented candles like a girl would
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    IdleHans said:

    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)

    in the meantime, make do with scented candles like a girl would
    Not with my wind, I’ll blow the windows out.
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    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)

    Looks like your gonna have to crack one off in the dark then. Will warm you up for 10 seconds anyway.
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    edited February 2018

    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)

    Looks like your gonna have to crack one off in the dark then. Will warm you up for 10 seconds anyway.
    Mate, it’s fucking freezing. Little un’s at Brownies, L’s out with her mates and I’m sat on my own. At least Millwall have just gone 1 down.
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    cabbles said:

    Name droppers

    Fuck me it happens in my world of work so much. Had a meeting today with a guy and he was at pains to tell me he had lunch with the chief data scientist of Facebook or Linkedin (can’t remember which) before Christmas

    Really nice guy and I enjoyed meeting him, but this whole name dropping thing is just odd to me. Particularly as we were the ones selling to him. Surely it’s more important the other way round. Claimed they were ‘good friends’

    I’m sure they are but I just couldn’t give a toss. One day when I don’t care anymore, I’m gonna reply with ‘I was having lunch at my desk the other week, and I replied to a chap called Paulie 8290 on a football forum I’m on called Charlton Life’

    That’s my lunchtime, that’s who I network with.

    He might drop names but does he get your name right?
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    9 hours spent driving through snow and black ice last Thursday, with the intention of seeing friends and family, and also taking in a cheeky away day, but being bushwacked by chronic diarrhea and stomach cramps. Managed a meal out yesterday, but that'll be percolated in the next 5 minutes. Looking forward to my 9 return trip at 06:30 tomorrow. ....ffs
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    The 'word' fanboy. Especially when co-located with iPhone/Samsung.
    Especially when used by middle aged men.
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    cabbles said:

    I’ve realised I’ve started to miss words when I’m writing sentences now. It’s starting to really wind me up. I’m questioning whether it’s some sort of early sign of something like dementia that could affect me in later life, or the more plausible thing, the age of the smart phone. Sentences and words get finished for us with predictive text, and I wonder if it’s making my brain a little lazier and this is how it’s manifesting itself

    How many times did you check this before posting?
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    edited February 2018
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    The fucking central heating packing up on a Friday evening. Rang British Gas and the earliest the wankers can come out is Sunday.

    The bathroom lights have packed up too, which is a pain as our builders start the extension next month and will be ripping it out.

    Pretty sure it’s the transformer so will have to get a qualified electrician in (or failing that @Glass half empty)

    Tried re-setting the boiler every couple of hours or so all over the weekend, to no avail. Tried it about an hour before the engineer was due and the bloody thing started working.

    Worth having him in as he sorted a couple of things that needed doing but the house was freezing all day Saturday and most of yesterday. Ended up buying a couple of electric heaters to take the edge off it.
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    When people say "I'm not being funny but..."

    No-one thinks you're being funny in the first place.
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    Fiiish said:

    When people say "I'm not being funny but..."

    No-one thinks you're being funny in the first place.

    it's not meant as in funny haha, it's meant as in I'm not being funny with you
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    The new Nike LNDN or whatever it is advert.
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    People who continue to ask, would you take Tony Watt back.
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    Final leg of long journey involved getting on Air France flight to uk from Paris stuffed with very smart suits all with 3 plus phones frantically doing vital business. Wasn't expecting food but the trolley Dolly's come round with...... a bloody croissant each. Result? 200 business people frantically brushing greasy flakes off their suits and onto the floor. Really Air France, did you give this any thought at all?
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    Breaking my little toe and not really knowing how I did it.
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